What’s inside the


Certified origins & quality

All ingredients in the FASTING BOX are organically grown and certified by either Bioland or Demeter. Our long-term partnerships with organic farmers are founded on fairness and solidarity. We deliver our FASTING BOX products in glass containers to ensure that the food does not contain any harmful substances from plastic packaging.

24 parts at a glance


User Guide

The User Guide that comes with our FASTING BOX gives you written, day-by-day instructions to support you before, during and after the five-day programme. The User Guide supplements our FASTING BOX app and the online community and provides you with information on:

‭→ The history of the Buchinger Wilhelmi clinics

‭→ Preparing for and following up the FASTING BOX programme

‭→ A fasting protocol to fill out

‭→ Instructions on preparing food each day

‭→ Other fasting tips, rituals and healthy recipes for the time after you have completed the programme

Because we believe that a healthy body needs a happy soul, and that literature, music and art are nourishment for the mind and spirit, the guide also gives you tips for your spiritual well-being. Use them for your personal development and your journey to a healthier lifestyle.


Our Fasting Soups

The five-day FASTING BOX programme is based on Fasting Soups for every day. We use only ripe vegetables in our Fasting Soups sourced from vegetable farmers in the region that have been certified by Demeter. We often use “seconds” – vegetables that may not look as good as first-rate products but are just as tasty and nutritious.

Transition Soups

Transition Soups are creamy vegetable soups for Transition Day that are slightly richer than the Fasting Soups and are intended to prepare you for the days of actual fasting. Each box contains a tomato soup and a pumpkin soup with reduced carbohydrates for lunch and dinner.

> Varieties: Tomato & Pumpkin
> Calories: 92 kcal & 85 kcal

Tomaten Transition Soup als Bestandteil der FASTENBOX für zu Hause von Buchinger Wilhelmi

Fasting Soups

Our FASTING BOX is based on Fasting Soups, of which you can eat any two of your choice every day. They are mostly made of one kind of vegetable with some potato and herbs, which makes them especially easy to digest. They provide you with a light, tasty meal at lunchtime and dinner with important nutrients that support your metabolism.

> Varieties: Asparagus, Beetroot, Carrot, Parsnip, Tomato, Pumpkin, Courgette
> Calories: Between 45 & 106 kcal

Please note that the choice of vegetable and ingredients in the soups can vary depending on the season and availability.

Restart Soup

The Restart Soup is a tasty and somewhat more substantial vegetable soup to celebrate completing your five-day programme. It marks your return to eating solid foods. You can also enjoy some Apple Puree and Cashews on Restart Day.

> Varieties: Garden vegetables
> Calories: 89 kcal

Buchinger Wilhelmi FASTING BOX von oben mit Suppen, Ölen, Tee, Cashew-Kernen und mehr

We think sustainably. Our products are regional and organic-certified, and the jars can also be reused. To reuse soup jars, soak the label in hot water for 5 minutes. Any adhesive residue can be rubbed off with a little dish soap.

See the complete list of ingredients and nutrients
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Linseed Oil

Our popular oils – Linseed Oil and Lemon Oil – come from a Bioland and Demeter-certified oil mill in South Germany. It is family-run with a focus on high quality, local production and sustainability. Only the very best raw materials are used to produce fresh, high-quality, organic cold-pressed oils every day.

Both oils supply the body with the fat it needs to enter ketosis. They are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids including the essential omega 3 fatty acids DHA and EPA. The fine lemon fragrance of the Lemon Oil lends the soups a special aroma.

“Two different linseed oils – Natural & Lemon – with lots of
polyunsaturated and omega 3 fatty acids are great for
your metabolism.”

Hubert Hohler

Senior Expert Gastronomy & Head of Catering at
Buchinger Wilhelmi


Local, seasonal, sustainable

The contents of the FASTING BOX have been chosen to match perfectly by our head chef Hubert Hohler and are produced locally. Our Soups and Soup Essence, our Chickpea Puree (Hummus) and Apple Puree are made with a focus on seasonal, regional and sustainable production. We work with fresh raw materials that are in season grown by local farmers. Our food is free from colourings, flavourings, preservatives and other unnecessary additives.

Soup Essence

The Soup Essence is ideal as a pick-me-up or to quell any hunger pangs in-between. It is made with freshly blended organic vegetables, refined with herbs and preserved with added salt. It can also be used to season the Fasting Soups.

Chickpea Puree

Chickpea Puree (Hummus) provides some important plant proteins. You can mix it with Linseed Oil to form a homogeneous cream and add it to the soup.

Apple Puree

The Apple Puree and Cashew Nuts will be your first solid food on the last day of the FASTING BOX programme.

Herbal Essence

Our Herbal Essence harnesses the healing power of wild plants. Wild herbs have never been cultivated and are therefore particularly robust, rich in nutrients and full of flavour. Our Herbal Essence is produced using only native wild herbs without any additives. It is made by hand with great patience and dedication.

The Herbal Essence is a wonderful drink for in-between. Simply stir two to three tablespoons into roughly 200 ml water. Thanks to the apple cider vinegar it contains, the mixture has a very refreshing taste. The wild herbs calm the stomach and enhances your well-being.

“Our Herbal Essence is intended for everyday use as part of your daily routine.
The wild herbs promote digestion, leave you feeling good, and taste great too.”

Hubert Hohler

Senior Expert Gastronomy & Bereichsleiter Gastronomie
Buchinger Wilhelmi

Teas with Tea Strainer

Our herbal teas are stimulating and have a cleansing and diuretic effect on the body. All ingredients of the teas in the FASTING BOX are certified organic. For the sake of the environment, we have decided to use loose tea and a reusable Tea Strainer. A cup of tea has a soothing effect on any side effects of fasting you may feel such as hunger pangs or headaches.

> “Lovely night”: A light, balanced blend of herbs and flowers. With nettle, green oats, raspberry leaf, lemongrass, fennel, yarrow, coriander, lime blossom, blackberry leaf, marigold, sage, and hyssop.

> “Feel well”: A stimulating, lemony-fresh blend of maté, nettle, lemongrass, lemon verbena, orange peel, lemon myrtle, rose petal, and marigold.


When you fast, your carbohydrate intake is drastically reduced. If you find yourself feeling weak or lethargic, you may eat a small teaspoon of our Honey. Honey is a quick source of energy and tastes unbelievably good when you are fasting – a lifesaver when your energy is low!

Our honey comes from a local beekeeper with whom we have worked for many years. He is Bioland-certified and pays particular attention to ensuring that humane practices are followed and that the colonies are at a sufficient distance from fields or plantations that have been treated with pesticides.

Fasting Minerals

Fasting Minerals are recommended by our doctors and can help to maintain the body’s natural mineral balance (magnesium, calcium and natrium) and prevent cramps, for example.

“For us, eating healthily and fasting are two sides of
the same coin. We recommend choosing locally grown, organic
ingredients that are as fresh as possible, e.g. from the weekly market.”

Victor Wilhelmi

Managing Director
Buchinger Wilhelmi Marbella


On the first and last day of the programme you can enjoy Cashews sourced from a small farmers’ association in Togo.

Measuring Tape

Use the Measuring Tape to measure your waist circumference every morning and enter the results in your fasting protocol.

Ketone Test Strips

Ketone Test Strips are an easy way to measure whether your body is in ketosis (metabolising fats).


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Enjoy some time out at home.

More about the Buchinger Wilhelmi FASTING BOX

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