Time for your next reset

Have you already tried our FASTING BOX and would like to build on its success?


Who has the Repeater Set been developed for?

If you feel like giving yourself a new reset

Depending on your individual goals, we recommend repeating the programme monthly or every two to six months. That way, you can regularly unwind, regenerate your body’s cells, and regain energy.

If you would like to reuse the »basics« from your FASTING BOX

In your first FASTING BOX you already received our User Guide, the Ketosticks, measuring tape and tea strainer. These contents are not included in the Repeater Set.

Buchinger Wilhelmi FASTING BOX - Repeater Set


Including everything you need

All the provisions from the FASTING BOX have been included in the Repeater Set. However, we have left out contents that you can reuse from the first box – the User Guide, measuring tape, tea strainer and Ketosticks.

What is included
Soups for five days, apple puree and cashew nuts for breaking the fast, soothing herbal teas, Buchinger Wilhelmi fasting minerals, high-quality oils, and chickpea puree (hummus) to enrich the soups.

For in-between
Soup essence, honey, refreshing herbal extracts.

Daily support
Online community, app, as well as emails and videos from our experts.

For reuse
The tea strainer, measuring tape, User Guide and Ketosticks can be reused and are not included.

Gluten-free & suitable for vegetarians

€ 185

incl. VAT
plus shipping

Delivered within the EU in 5–10 days


We are there for you



You can contact our support team by e-mail. They will attend to your concerns confidentially and in-depth. In our online-community you can find lots of information on topics in connection with the FASTING BOX, and swap notes with others.

Buchinger Wilhelmi FASTING BOX - Repeater Set Begleitung Support


Daily FASTING BOX protocol

You already received our comprehensive User Guide in your first FASTING BOX. To allow you to record your measurements in the way you are accustomed to, the Repeater Set includes a new FASTING BOX protocol as well as a daily schedule.

Buchinger Wilhelmi FASTING BOX - Repeater Set Fastenprotokoll



Support from our app  

The app companion for the FASTING BOX: We accompany you throughout the programme in person, day by day, with our app that has been developed especially for this purpose. It provides you with video messages, tips and useful information about the course of the programme and in the subsequent 3 weeks.



One of the three dimensions of Buchinger Wilhelmi therapeutic fasting that has been offered under medical supervision for more than 100 years at the fasting clinics founded by Dr. Otto Buchinger is the human dimension: The best way to experience fasting is in a group. This allows people to regain a sense of existential equality, be kind to each other and help each other out. The result is an intercultural, cheerful »fasting community«. We want you to experience this dimension during your reset at home. That’s why we are currently building a community forum. You can already visit it now to find many answers to important questions, or even submit questions yourself,which our experts will then answer.


Questions on all aspects of the Repeater Set

We deliberately exclude fruit and fruit juices from our FASTING BOX since they contain many carbohydrates. Instead, soups made of organic vegetables make up the main part of our FASTING BOX. By doing so, your body undergoes a healthy metabolic change more quickly. Autophagy and Apoptosis – the most important cell cleansing mechanisms – begin to occur. 

  • Shelf life: The Buchinger Wilhelmi FASTING BOX has a shelf life of around two months after delivery.
  • Start date: To allow for shipping and preparing for your reset, you should plan at least seven working days between ordering your FASTING BOX and the first day of fasting.
  • Repeats: Depending on your individual goals, we recommend repeating the programme monthly or every two to six months. That way, you can regularly unwind, regenerate your body’s cells, and regain energy.

We have made it as easy as possible to get started with our 5-day program: With the box, you will receive fasting instructions (our user guide) and access to our online community. Furthermore, we will support you every day with inspiring video messages by e-mail. Besides a natural yogurt for transition day (day 1), you do not need any additional products. 

During fasting, the metabolism switches to so-called ketosis – and meatbolises fat instead of glucose and produces ketones, with numerous positive effects: The autophagy process is activated, resulting in a deep cleansing of the cells and tissue. It can also help to reduce pain and mobility restrictions.

The Buchinger Wilhelmi FASTING BOX is a hypocaloric, ketogenic program with interval fasting that has positive effects similar to brief fasting, and as such, it is not a diet. It focuses on sustainably restarting the body and mind. 

What is known as the switchback phase lasts around 4 days and serves as a gentle return to eating mixed-food meals. We recommend choosing foods that are regional, organic and, if possible, fresh (e.g. from the weekly market). In the user guide, you can find all the recipes as well as a shopping list for your meals. 

The box contains all the products that you need. For the restart day at the end of the 5-day program, you will find a glass of applesauce in the FASTING BOX, which will be your first solid food together with the cashew kernels.

Please note that you should only use the FASTING BOX if you meet the following criteria:

  • You are over 18 years old
  • Sie habeYou do not have any underlying illnesses (e.g. metabolic disorder, high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, heart, liver or kidney disease)
  • You are not pregnant or breastfeeding
  • You are not underweight, do not have any eating disorders or addictions

The FASTING BOX is suitable for vegetarians and, without the honey, for vegans.

The FASTING BOX is gluten-free, lactose-free and does not contain added sugar or any other artificial supplements (no GMOs, herbicides, pesticides, artificial colourings or preservatives)

More information on nutritional values

certified organic products of regional origin
100 years of
fasting experience

Buchinger Wilhelmi

Buchinger Wilhelmi Clinics are the world’s leading clinics for therapeutic fasting, integrative medicine and inspiration! Our Buchinger Wilhelmi AMPLIUS program is based on over 100 years of experience and is continuously developed in partnership with university research centres. Therapeutic fasting constitutes the central therapeutic component of our holistic concept – for your health.